Mistakes to Avoid When a Car Accident Happens

personal injury lawyer in Tracy

Following a car accident, you might have to deal with the consequences of missing work, fixing damage to your car, handling liability issues, and seeking treatment for related injuries. In addition, you may need to contact a personal injury lawyer in Tracy at Bakerink, McCusker & Belden to ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve. While it’s important to know what steps to take following a car accident, it is equally important to understand what mistakes to avoid.

Leaving the Scene
If you’re involved in a car accident where the damage appears minor, you should still stay at the scene. You are legally required to stop and check on the other people involved, regardless of how serious the accident initially appears. You should also exchange insurance information with the other driver so that you can provide this information to your lawyer and insurance company. In some states, driving away from an accident scene involving injuries can result in felony charges. Not only do you need to check on the scene, but if someone is injured, you must provide aid, transport him or her to the hospital, or wait for help to arrive.

personal injury lawyer in Tracy Forgetting Proper Documentation
Once you’ve called 911 to report the accident, you need to make sure you properly document the incident for the personal injury lawyers that could become involved in your case. As soon as possible following the accident, write down exactly what happened in the moments leading up to the incident and when the crash occurred. For example, you need to know what street you were on, what direction you were headed, and when the other driver came onto the scene. Not only will you want to provide this information to your attorney, but you will also need to give it to law enforcement and your insurance provider.

Neglecting the Aftermath
Coping with the trauma of a car accident is difficult, but you still need to follow up on the aftermath by seeking medical treatment and consulting an accident attorney with Bakerink, McCusker & Belden. It’s especially important to get in touch with a lawyer if your resulting injuries will require extensive medical treatment.