How Should You Address Your Pets in Your Will?


will in tracy, lawyer in manteca, lawyer in tracy Your children aren’t the only beneficiaries that should be included in your will. You should also make provisions for your pets. Your lawyer in Tracy or Manteca can help you determine the best way to provide for your pet in your will and fit your plans for your estate into your larger estate planning goals.

There are two considerations to keep in mind when you making plans for your pets in your will. First, you need to decide who should take over care of your pets after your passing. You should determine who you would trust with the responsibility and then consider talking to him or her about your wishes before naming that person in your will. The second consideration is financial. Some people earmark part of their estates for their pets to offset the financial demands of their care, which can be helpful to person who takes them over when you pass away. Your lawyer can help you determine the appropriate way to make these provisions in your will.